California Goodbyes!

We have been grateful to see so many people on our final California trip. Of course, we only remembered to get pictures with a few. It has been a joy and a sorrow to see everyone and have to say ‘goodbye’.

OK, everybody look at the camera!
Mimi and Elias chillin’ in the pool.
Papa and Kaden.
Gorgeous view in Kevin’s backyard, and the scenery behind Stacey is pretty too!
Kaden’s Cheese Face.
Stacey and I fell in love during Dr. Halstead’s Greek class. We are very grateful for this man!
Stacey, Meredith Ebner and lots of kids!
Dave and Dave.
Thanks Kevin and Lisa for being so hospitable!
Stacey and Gwen!
Stacey and Jessica!
Jill, Katie and Stacey!
Amy, Rob, Stacey and Dave.
Leaving Cali on the 5th!

Author: Stacey Hare

Stacey is a servant of Jesus Christ as well as a wife, mom, linguist, and Bible translator among the Kwakum people of Cameroon.