Posted in Bible Translation Literacy Newsletter

[Newsletter] The Kwakum have an alphabet!

A week ago, chiefs from various Kwakum villages, fellow missionaries, the town mayor, and hundreds of “regular” Kwakum people gathered together singing the words of the song that is written above. It was a time to celebrate two things: 1) The opening of the new Kwakum literacy and translation center, and 2) the dedication of the new Kwakum alphabet. The Kwakum literacy and translation center is a five room plus once conference room building which serves as a hub for literacy work, Oral Bible Storying, children’s ministry, and translation work. Two out of the five rooms are bedrooms which the…

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Posted in Africa Christian Missions Newsletter

[Newsletter] Why we do what we do

Since we have returned to our village in August 2018, we have met a young couple that has reminded us why we are doing what we are doing. The young man, named Ko has been an orphan since he was 8 years old. When his parents died, he went to live with his aunt who had him work for his stay in lieu of going to school. Ko has shown interest in learning more about the Lord but confided in Dave that there was one thing holding him back: he cannot read and thus not read the Bible. When Dave…

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Posted in Newsletter

Jan ’18 Newsletter – The Firstfruits

The firstfruits Jesus was walking through Capernaum when he was suddenly approached by a high-ranking Roman officer. This man of status humbled himself and pleaded with Jesus on behalf of his personal servant who was on the brink of death. Believing that just one word from Jesus could make his servant well, this officer implored him to have mercy and heal him. Jesus looked at this Gentile ruler and then turned to the religious, but loveless Jews around him and said, “I tell you, many will come from east and west and recline at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

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Posted in God’s Work in Cameroon Home Assignment Newsletter The Hare Home Training

August 2017 Newsletter Online!

Check out our August 2017 Newsletter to discover the following: Summer American Tour Plans for the next year Do we miss Cameroon? Prayer Requests and Praises     Hare Translation Newsletter: Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Archive

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