[NEWSLETTER] The Fullness of Time has Come

Ready for the New Testament!

In January 2020 we started the translation process for 44 Old Testament stories. We now have 30 stories completely finished, with 13 still in testing/editing. And, as of today, Dave’s team finished drafting FINAL KWAKUM OLD TESTAMENT STORY! Now, of course, there is still a lot of editing to do, but this is still quite a milestone. Next drafting session will be in the New Testament!

On our first term, I (Stacey) would call my dad frustrated because of how long language acquisition was taking. I told him that people were dying in our village with little to no knowledge of Jesus and I was sitting in my house memorizing flash cards. I was frustrated at how long it took to learn the language, analyze it, create a writing system, and then translate the Bible.

But my dad encouraged me saying that Christ waited thousands of years to come in the “fullness of time” and I could wait too. There were generations that came and went that had little to no special revelation, and yet, Jesus waited and came at just the right time in history. Just as Jesus waited, so we could wait too.

But we don’t have to wait any longer because we will soon start translating the New Testament. We will also shift from storying to a full, verse-by-verse translation of the NT. The fullness of time has come, people will hear about Jesus from the pages of Scripture in the Kwakum language. And we are excited.  […more]


Author: David M. Hare

Dave is a husband, father of four Africans, and is currently helping the Kwakum people do Oral Bible Storying and Bible translation in Cameroon, Africa.

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